(function ($) { //always use strict mode "use strict"; let initializePosts = () => { /** * All variables */ //posts container for append or replace data let container = $("#all-posts"); //categories container let catContainer = $("#categories"); //load more button let loadMore = document.querySelector("#load-more"); //set initial current page let currentPage = 1; //set initial category ID to blank let categoryID = ""; //set initial total pages to blank let totalPages = ""; //get posts per page from the data attribute let perPage = container.data("per-page"); //site url let siteurl = encodeURI("https://www.radiostudiodelta.it/wp-json"); //add our posts and categories for initial page load $.when( $.getJSON(siteurl + "/wp/v2/categories/"), $.getJSON(siteurl + "/wp/v2/posts?_embed&per_page=" + perPage) ).then(pageCallback, pageFailure); /** * @callback pageCallback * @param categories for category terms * @param posts for posts */ function pageCallback(categories, posts) { //fetch and return our post categories if (categories[0].length) { console.log(categories[0]); catContainer.html( categories[0] .map((cat) => { if (cat.count != 0) { return `
  • ${cat.name}
  • `; } }) .join("") ); //store our category links for click event function let allCategories = $(".post-category"); let i; //initialize category links click event if condition is a match for (i = 0; i < allCategories.length; i++) { allCategories[i].addEventListener("click", getPostsByCategory); //the callback `getPostsByCategory` is written later in the code } } //now, fetch and return the post data in our page if (posts[0].length) { console.log(posts); //store the initial total pages available for the query totalPages = parseInt(posts[2].getResponseHeader("X-WP-TotalPages")); container .html( posts[0] .map((post) => { return `



    `; }) .join("") ) .hide() .fadeIn(400); //initialize load more posts click event //callback function `loadNextPage` is written later in the code loadMore.addEventListener("click", loadNextPage); //if there are more than 1 page, //remove the 'end-page' class from load more button if (currentPage < totalPages) { loadMore.classList.remove("end-page"); } } } //callback `pageCallback` ends here /** * @callback pageFailure * call this if our API url gets error */ function pageFailure() { console.log("JSON Error for posts!"); } //callback `pageFailure` ends here /** * @callback getPostsByCategory * load posts when category terms are clicked */ function getPostsByCategory(e) { e.preventDefault(); //get the term id from the HTML data attribute let term_id = $(this).data("term-id"); //this condition checks if the clicked link is already active or not //if clicked link not active, run this if (!$(this).hasClass("current")) { //API request $.getJSON( siteurl + "/wp/v2/posts?_embed&per_page=" + perPage + "&categories=" + term_id, (posts, status, response) => { //now setting the global category ID for the load more use categoryID = term_id; //setting the global total pages for load more use totalPages = response.getResponseHeader("X-WP-TotalPages"); //setting the current page to first page again currentPage = 1; //checking if there are more than 1 pages if (currentPage == totalPages) { //if first page is also the last page, //add 'end-page' class to load more button loadMore.classList.add("end-page"); } else { //if there are more than 1 page, //remove the 'end-page' class from load more button loadMore.classList.remove("end-page"); } //getting data from the API request if (posts.length) { container .html( posts .map((post) => { return `



    `; }) .join("") ) .hide() .fadeIn(400); } } ); //get all .current items let current = $(".current"); //remove class .current from all items current.removeClass("current"); //set .current class to the clicked item $(this).addClass("current"); } } //callback `getPostsByCategory` ends here /** * @callback loadNextPage * load next page function */ function loadNextPage(e) { e.preventDefault(); //run this if category links are clicked if (categoryID != "" && currentPage < totalPages) { //increment current page number currentPage = currentPage + 1; //API request $.getJSON( siteurl + "/wp/v2/posts?_embed&per_page=" + perPage + "&categories=" + parseInt(categoryID) + "&page=" + currentPage, (data) => { //getting data from the API request if (data.length) { container.append( data .map((post) => { return `



    `; }) .join("") ); } //adding a class(for fade in effect) to the newly added posts window.setTimeout( () => $("#all-posts .new-post").addClass("fadein"), 100 ); } ); //adding 'end-page' class to the loadMore button if there is no more pages if (currentPage == totalPages) { $(this).addClass("end-page"); } console.log(currentPage); } else if (currentPage < totalPages) { //run this to fetch all posts regardless of categories //(after inital page load when no category link is clicked) currentPage = currentPage + 1; $.getJSON( siteurl + "/wp/v2/posts?_embed&per_page=" + perPage + "&page=" + currentPage, (data) => { //getting data from the API request if (data.length) { container.append( data .map((post) => { return `



    `; }) .join("") ); } //adding a class(for fade in effect) to the newly added posts window.setTimeout( () => $("#all-posts .new-post").addClass("fadein"), 100 ); } ); //adding a class to the loadMore button if there is no more pages if (currentPage == totalPages) { $(this).addClass("end-page"); } } } //callback `loadNextPage` ends here }; // Initialize on page load (front end). $(document).ready(function () { initializePosts($(this)); }); })(jQuery);